In this article, we’ll go over the steps of creating a sequence from scratch. With the sequences tool in Distrobird, you can send a series of emails, phone calls, and text messages in specified time gaps to drive deeper engagement with your contacts.
Follow the steps below to create a sequence:
Step 1: Access Sequences
- On the side navigation menu, click on the Campaign dropdown and select Sequences.
- On the Sequences page, click the Create Sequence button. This will open a multi-step slide-out with Details and Audience tabs.
Step 2: Details Tab
- Name - Enter a name for the sequence
- Assign team/member to sequence - Click on this dropdown and select a team/team member to assign the sequence to.
- Exit delay- Enter a time frame after which you want audiences to be exited from this sequence after the last step.
Step 3: Audience Tab
Choose your Audience - Select your audience from an existing group or segment by clicking the dropdown and choosing the desired group/segment.
Add Single Person- To add contacts individually, search for contacts by name, email address, or phone number in the provided space.
Add New Person - If you need to add new contacts, click +Add new person, then enter the contact's details.
Import CSV File -You can also import a CSV file containing your audience's contact information. Find a detailed guide on importing a CSV file here.
If you have additional questions regarding creating sequences, do not hesitate to contact us at; a member of our team will be happy to respond to your questions and resolve any issues you might be experiencing.
Happy selling!