Welcome to Distrobird, the full-stack engagement platform that unites all the tools you need to manage your entire sales process in one place.
Use this checklist to set up your Distrobird shared inbox and begin collaborating with your teammates.
We suggest creating separate teams for each department/region in your organization and adding team members/agents to them.
Invite and add teammates to the teams you've created.
Your team inboxes are omnichannel(email and phone number) inboxes. So connect both your email and SMS phone numbers to get a comprehensive view of your interactions with customers/prospects.
- Import Contacts
You can bulk import contacts by uploading a CSV file, or you can add contacts one at a time.
Note: Once your email is connected, we will automatically import contacts from your connected inbox.
Use tags to identify and categorize messages and contacts in your inbox so you can easily keep track of them. For example, VIP customers, feature requests, refund requests, etc.
You can also use tags to label contacts by deal stage, probability of closing, or as new leads just entering your funnel.
Creating custom templates to respond to commonly asked questions allows your team to maintain brand consistency while boosting your email response rates.
- Automate your workflows using rules
Create rules to help you handle repetitive tasks in order to save time and boost your team's productivity. For example, you can create rules to auto-reply messages or to automatically add contacts to a campaign.
- Enable Integrations
Enable relevant integrations(article link) by connecting other third-party applications to aid data and information sharing
- Update your organization's directory listings
Update your contact information across all your online platforms with your newly purchased phone number to begin engaging with your prospects and customers on Distrobird. Eg, Google Business page, Yelp, social media profiles, contact us page on your website, etc.
If you have additional questions regarding getting started with your Distrobird Inbox, do not hesitate to contact us at hello@distrobird.com or send us an SMS at (618) 266-4017; a member of our team will be happy to respond to your questions and resolve any issues you might be experiencing.
Happy selling!