The Distrobird platform is designed for collaboration; whether you run a sales, support or customer success team.
Here’s how to invite team members to collaborate with:
- On the side navigation menu, click on the Settings dropdown, then select the Users dropdown. From the Users dropdown, select Teams to navigate to your teams page.
- On your Teams page, click the Invite Members button at the top right corner of your screen.
- Next, provide the following details to invite team members:
- Email address- Enter your teammates' email addresses in this field. Press the 'Enter' key on your keyboard after each email address. To invite multiple teammates at once, separate each email address with a comma.
- Role- Click on the Role dropdown and select a role for your teammate.
- Message (optional)- Enter a message to be included with the invitation.
- Add invitees to an existing team (optional)- Click this dropdown and select the teams you want to add the invitees to after they accept your invitation. Note: All new members will be added to the default General Team.
- Finally, click Send Invite and you’re all set!
Once invites have been sent out, you can view the status of pending invites by clicking on the“Pending Invitations” tab at the top of your Teams page.