Distrobird is a full-stack engagement platform for every customer-facing role within your organization, including sales, support, and customer success. We've aggregated the different workflows your teams need across channels (email, phone, SMS) to provide a holistic engagement tool that significantly increases productivity, creates stronger relationships, and provides a clearer picture of each customer’s journey throughout your funnel.
Why are we solving this problem?
The average tech stack for customer-facing roles like sales, support, and customer success is eight software tools; and this continues to balloon, resulting in bloat, data duplication, loss of productivity, and frequent context switching. We have an ambitious mission to bring order to this chaos for growing businesses by aggregating every workflow and channel needed by sales, support, and customer success teams under a streamlined, beautiful, and easy-to-deploy platform.
Our platform is currently comprised of 3 products, campaigns & sequences, shared inbox, and cloud-based contact center software.
Campaigns & Sequences
Seamlessly create multi-touch email and SMS automation to help your sales team reliably book more meetings with prospects, and drive more revenue growth
Shared Inbox
Collaborate across your support or customer success teams and manage group inboxes like sales@, support@, or accounts@ in one place. Triage inbound requests effortlessly, and get a single view of your customer's interaction with your business across channels and teams, including website activities organized in a chronological timeline
A cloud call center software designed specifically for sales, support, and customer success teams. Set up in 5 minutes. No complex on-premise hardware. Start speaking with customers and prospects anywhere in the world immediately
Distrobird is free to use, no credit card is required to sign up. Ready to take it for a spin? Click here to get started. Already a customer? Great to have you onboard!
If you have additional questions regarding Distrobird, do not hesitate to contact us at hello@distrobird.com; a member of our team will be happy to respond to your questions and resolve any issues you might be experiencing.
Happy selling!