Tags are a great way to organize and manage your resources within Distrobird. They allow you to label a group of resources for example templates, messages and contacts based on the information you know about them or similar characteristics that they share. For example, VIP customers, sales templates, refund requests, etc. are all examples of tags.
Tags are also a great tool for creating a pseudo-CRM workflow in Distrobird. You can label contacts by deal stage, probability of closing, or as new leads just entering your funnel. Distrobird also allows your team to enable automated workflows based on specific tags applied to contacts, messages or templates.
Organization admins can restrict access to tag creation to reduce duplicate tags in your workspace. Check out the roles and permission article for more details. Here’s a quick guide for creating and managing tags in Distrobird:
Create a tag on the tags index page
- Open the side navigation menu and select Settings
- On the sidebar of your settings page, select Tags, under Your Data section. This will take you to your Tags page, where you can create and manage your organization's Tags.
- Next, click Create Tag at the top-right corner of your screen. This will open up the Create Tag modal.
- Click on the Type dropdown to select a tag type for the tag you want to create. The options available are Contacts, Conversations, and Templates.
- Next, in the Name field, enter a name for the tag and click Save
Tag a contact
- From the contacts page, click on the name of the contact you wish to tag. This will open up the contact's slideout.
- On the contact's slideout, scroll down to the Tags section and click Add tag
- Enter the tag name and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
Tag a template
- From your Templates page, select the checkbox next to a template you want to tag.
- Next, click Add tag on the action bar at the bottom of the page. This will open up the Add tag modal.
- On the Add tag modal, enter a tag name in the Name field
- Click Add Tag
Tag a Conversation
- On your inbox page, select a conversation you want to tag to open the conversation
- On your conversation timeline, click on Add tags
- Next, enter a tag name and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
If you have additional questions regarding Tags in Distrobird, do not hesitate to contact us at hello@distrobird.com; a member of our team will be happy to respond to your questions and resolve any issues you might be experiencing.
Happy selling!