Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your Distrobird account. Instead of only entering a password to log in, you’ll also be required to enter an OTP (one-time passcode) that will be sent to your mobile number. This extra step ensures that access to your account is protected—even if your password is exposed.
Follow the steps below to enable two-factor authentication:
- Click on your profile picture or avatar at the bottom left corner of the sidebar, then click on the Edit Profile button next to your name.
On your profile settings page, select the Your Information tab and scroll to the bottom of the page, then click on the Enable 2FA button to open the 2FA modal.
- Next, on the 2FA modal, enter your mobile number in the space provided and click Continue.
- A verification code will be sent to the mobile number you provided. Enter the verification code in the field provided then click Verify.
- Next, a backup code will be displayed. We recommend that you copy and save this code in case you need it for future use. Your backup code can help you access your account if you change or lose your mobile number.
If you have additional questions regarding Two-factor authentication in Distrobird, do not hesitate to contact us at; a member of our team will be happy to respond to your questions and resolve any issues you might be experiencing.
Happy selling!