Thanks for choosing Distrobird! Creating an account takes a few steps, and this article will guide you on how to do so:
Step 1
Create an Account
Go to or follow the link in the invitation sent by your organization admin
Enter your work email address and password. Your password must contain at least:
- 8 characters
- 1 special character
- 1 capital letter
- 1 number
Click the Sign-Up button to continue.
Your account has now been created!
Step 2
Tell us about yourself
In this step, you’ll be prompted to provide more details about yourself.
- Your full name
- Company name
- Your role at the company
- Your team size
- Phone number
- How you heard about us
Some of these fields may have been pre-filled for you based on publicly availabiliy information we found about you using your email address. Please feel free to modify fields that may have been left blank or filled with incorrect information.
After you have completed the form, click Complete Registration.
Step 3
Connect a shared inbox
Connecting your email lets you send and receive messages and collaborate with teammates within Distrobird.
- Enter your email inbox in the space provided
Next, you can choose to assign the inbox to a team. To do this, simply enter the team name you wish to assign the inbox to and click Create “Team Name” on the dropdown menu.
Click Connect Inbox, you'll be redirected to a page to complete the connection process to allow Distrobird to access your inbox.
- Next, enter your email login details and follow the prompts provided to complete your connection.
Distrobird will sync with your inbox and begin importing your messages, contacts and other information from the connected inbox.
Step 4
Pick a phone number
Distrobird provides you with a free phone number for calls and SMS for one month, allowing you to start reaching out to prospects and customers right away.
A phone number will be generated for you automatically; if you are satisfied with the number, click Continue.
If you wish to change this, click on Pick a different number.
Pick a phone number using the Quick search tab
- In the search bar on the Quick Search tab, enter a city where you would like to have a phone number.
- Next, select a phone number from the list of numbers available and click Continue.
Pick a phone number using the Advanced search tab
- Navigate to the Advanced search tab, and click on the country dropdown to select a country where you would like to purchase the phone number.
- If you know the area code you'd like for your phone number, enter it in the Area code form field, then click the search numbers button.
- Next, select a phone number from the list of numbers available then click Continue to proceed.
Step 5
Invite Teammates
It’s time to bring the rest of the team on board! This is an optional step that can be skipped by clicking the Skip button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
To send invites to your teammates:
- Enter your teammates' work mail addresses. You can invite multiple teammates simultaneously by entering multiple email addresses separated by a comma
Once you’re done, hit the Invite Teammates button.
Invited teammates can check their emails to accept invitations and create their accounts. If you created a team in Step 3, the invited teammates would be added to it once they accept their invitations.
Now that you've completed the sign-up process, you will be redirected to the set-up guide page on the Distrobird dashboard. Completing each setup guide task earns you additional free trial days for Distrobird Voice.
If you have additional questions regarding how to create a Distrobird account, do not hesitate to contact us at; a member of our team will be happy to respond to your questions and resolve any issues you might be experiencing.
Happy selling!